Friday, November 2, 2007

More numbers

OB's office called today with the results from Wednesday's bloodwork. Progesterone was "normal" (I'll ask on Monday for the actual number).

hCG from Wednesday was 296.

So, to recap:

10/31, 11:50 am: 296
11/1, 9:00 am: 477

This is better than the "doubling every 48 hours" rate.

So far so good.

P.S. I know, I really should have just been patient and gone to my RE's office as scheduled. I called my OB's office on Wednesday, thinking they could get my results the same day. When they said they couldn't give results for at least 48 hours, I felt stupid saying "OK, just forget it".

P.P.S. S is home. He is reading bedtime stories to KB as I type. Sweet relief.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.