Friday, July 4, 2008

Waking up a sleeping baby?


Should I be waking AB up to eat every 2 hours at this stage?

Most of the time, he wants to eat somewhere between 2-3 hours after his last feeding. I try not to let him go any longer than 3 hours during the day, but should I be feeding him more often and waking him up if necessary?

KB always wanted to eat every 2 hours on the dot, so having this laid-back baby is a new experience for me.

AB eats pretty well, but I still feel like he's not draining the breast. I don't want to risk a supply problem, but I dread the idea of pumping after every feeding.

OK, you breastfeeding mamas, here's your chance to give me tons of advice. Bullet points very much appreciated in my sleep-deprived state. :-)


Maryam said...

Since he is jaundiced, wake him up to nurse until he gets it all out of his system.

You probably feel full because you're at the engorgement stage. You're running off of hormones, not supply and demand yet.

Count his diaper output as an indication of supply. He should have about 6 wets a day.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't bother waking him up at all if his jaundice levels are down.
Tara had a few 4 and even 5 hour sleep stretches even in her first week, and we never really had any breastfeeding problems TO DATE.
I took the advise of my pediatrician pretty seriously, "if they're hungry they'll wake up and scream" LOL
Just eyeballing wet/ dirty diapers should be enough for you to know he's getting enough.
Supply/ demand will take care of itself over the next few weeks.
I would just enjoy the laid back baby.

Kiran and Aidan are such cuties.
When did Kiran get to be such a little brown boy?


PS Can you please email me your IL's phone number when you get a chance. I want to make sure and send Aidan's little blanket with them.

Anonymous said...

My motto is: Never wake a sleeping baby.

Feed him often. For the jaundice, sit with him outside or near a sunny window, with him mostly naked, so he can soak up the sun. It'll help break up the jaundice so it'll go away.

Do you have the book by the La Leche League called "The Motherly Art of Breastfeeding"? It is a great book with answers to a ton of questions. Ask your hubby to pick it up for you.

Anonymous said...

I know nothing about jaundice, so unfortunately I can't help with that. I had the same problem with the feeling that Ryan never drained my breasts each time he ate. I was already engorged before I left the hospital! If it hurt bad enough, I would pump just to drain it and save the EBM 'just in case'. (turns out I needed it due to an infection)

Anywho, I agree too that if Aiden is full enough to sleep long stretches, let him! If he's gaining the right amount of weight, and has the right amount of wet diapers then you're good to go.

Feel free to email anytime with any BFing questions. As it is, I'm almost ready to throw in the towel over here... Long story, starts with 'super sucker' aka Ryan...


Rhonda said...

I have not BF advice to give, but wanted to offer up my CONGRATS and best wishes for a successful run at BF.

Rhonda & Sarah