Thursday, July 17, 2008


I am very proud to say that all the supplements AB has gotten post-hospital have been expressed breast milk. Go me! :-)

During our hospital stay, my milk hadn't come in, so he got 7 1-oz shots of formula while he was under the bili lights.

So far, I've been able to keep up with his demand. Hooray for More Milk Plus!

I am not averse to formula -- KB never could get the hang of breastfeeding, and I had my own problems post-partum, so he ended up being formula-fed after about 5 months.

Still, since AB is most likely my last baby, I want to give BFing every chance to work, and I'm happy we're making good progress. I know it's early days yet, but I really, really, REALLY want to make this work.

Thanks to all of you who are cheering us on!!


Maryam said...

A few more weeks and you're past the toughest part. It is a fight that is so worth it. Especially when they start to look at you while nursing. You can just see that love in their eyes.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things are going well now. Yay for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sissa, I am so thrilled to hear this great news about Aidan. Go boobies!! I'm so proud of you mommy.


Rhonda said...

You go, girl!! Congrats on weight gain and the bili blanket being gone!!