Friday, August 10, 2007

How do you blog?

It's funny that PithyDithy wrote today about whether her friends/family (aside from those she already knows about) read her blog.

You will notice that I call my son "KB" instead of his real name. Part of this is an attempt to hide from the weird stalker who found my pregnancy blog. But most of it is an attempt not to be Google-able.

I have lots of things I want to write about, and many of them involve family. I've been hesitant to blog about anything too personal because I don't want S's family or mine to read about themselves here. I can just imagine the shitstorm it would cause.

I've thought about using aliases for everyone's name, but that would get complicated, trying to keep everyone straight. Hmmm, maybe I could just write people's names backwards. :-)

Ugh, it's hard to keep my concentration when "Finding Nemo" is on in the background. Hope I can return to this subject in a bit.

In the meantime, how do you blog? Do you just write whatever and hope that no one you know IRL finds your blog?

1 comment:

Maryam said...

I was writing whatever. I've tried googling my name, Lucas's, Daniel's. Nothing came up.

But then some one found my blog. Not by searching my name out, but because I made the mistake of saying where my journal was and she searched under my email address. Well, you know what I did after that. Personal thoughts and things like that get locked up, mundane day to day things are open to the public.

I do miss being able to just talk openly about whatever. I don't mind strangers reading it. I just prefer that if I know you IRL that you not read it unless I give you the link. I think SIL is about the only one that that applies to. And Daniel.