Saturday, August 4, 2007

CD3 bloodwork and upcoming travels


KB woke up from his nap after 1 hour, 20 minutes and S 'volunteered' to go put him back to sleep. Now I can hear his snores coming from KB's room.

So I finished packing our diaper bag/backpack, unloaded the dishwasher and put the breakfast dishes in it, transferred the jeans & shorts to the dryer and now here I am. Gosh, I hardly know what to do with myself. (Biiiiig rolling of the eyes there)

This morning I had the pleasure of going to the lab downstairs from the fertility clinic to get my CD3 (that's Cycle Day 3) bloodwork done. They took 4 vials of blood. No big deal -- I'm not squeamish, I've got great big veins, and I bleed quickly, so I was in and out in no time at all.

I didn't really look at the lab slip to see what they're checking me for. FSH, I know. That's the biggie. That will give us an idea of my ovarian reserve, which is important since I am so old now. (Aside: I remember when I was young, and I thought I would have 2 kids by age 30 and CERTAINLY I would be all done with my childbearing by age 35. Bwahahahaha!)

The lab will send the results directly to the clinic and then we'll go from there. I looked more closely at my instruction sheet and it clearly stated that the patient is NOT to start injectibles before all bloodwork and labwork is done, by both partners. So we couldn't have done this cycle anyway. Whew. I was starting to feel guilty over my ambivalence.

Maybe I will be more excited about everything after we get back from India. I'm just not looking forward to the trip. Some of it is the madness that is traveling with a toddler. Some of it is the sheer boredom of sitting around my IL's house in India with absolutely nothing to do. KB is doing to be bored out of his mind. When he went at 6 months old, he wasn't even crawling yet. He lay on a blanket and was happy to play with rattles and small toys and to have people go 'cootchie cootchie coo'.

When we go to India, we don't travel anywhere within the country. We go to my IL's house and we stay there. We will take a day trip to their temple town, but that's it. Never been to Goa, never been to see the Taj Mahal, etc. I want to *see* something besides the inside of my IL's apartment.

Ugh. I'd much rather be heading to some beach instead. Give me Hawaii any day!!

The one saving grace is getting to see the baby twins in Bangkok on the way to India. Now if I could just stop myself from buying them all sorts of cute little girl clothes. I'm going to need a suitcase just for their things!

1 comment:

Maryam said...

If it makes you feel any better, I wanted this pregnancy, but I've been fairly ambivalent about it since I got pregnant. I'm happy, but that excitement isn't there. I know I'll love this baby, but there's a big feeling of guilt that I'm taking away from Lucas.

Curse of being a woman, you just can't win no matter what you do.