Monday, June 9, 2008


Filed under "Things that make you go hmmmmm"

It was very hot today. The Prius's thermometer read 97 when I was out this afternoon around 3 pm.

When I picked KB up from school, we headed to the pool. For the first time in a long time, I got into the pool with him. It was cool and refreshing and fabulous.

Did not notice anything out of the ordinary until I went to use the bathroom just before doing KB's bedtime routine. Lots of brown spotting on my panty liner. Hmmm. I have not had an internal exam lately. I did have an internal check with a speculum on May 29 because of some fluid leakage, and had some spotting for a couple of days, but that ended a while back and I can't imagine this is related to that cervical irritation.

And no, I have not had sex lately either.

Paging Dr. Google.

I cannot find anything that indicates swimming could be a contributing factor.

Could be nothing, could be the start of losing my mucus plug (?), could be something more ominous. Not going to go there.

Will keep an eye on things overnight and may go in to the ob's office tomorrow.

Of course, if the bleeding turns bright red before morning, I guess I'm going to the hospital. Good thing I turned in my registration paperwork today.

1 comment:

Maryam said...

I wouldn't worry about it. All sorts of funny things come out of your body at nine months pregnant. Bright red is the only thing I'd give a call about.