Friday, June 6, 2008

Annoyed ramblings

It is next-to-effing impossible for me to catch up on my blog reading while the incredibly irritating whine of Formula One cars blares from the TV.


I should just go to bed.

We'll be gone to Sacramento all day tomorrow (extended family birthday party) and then there's another kiddie birthday party (locally) on Sunday. So naps and bedtimes will AGAIN be disrupted over the weekend.

This week has sucked in terms of getting KB to bed at a decent time. Very much our fault for having too many evening activities. It's hard to get him to bed by 8 or 8:30 when it's still light outside.

I'm tired of having things to do every day/every night/every weekend. Is it really such a big deal to ask for ONE DAY of absolutely nothing to do, no commitments?

KB is really frustrating me lately. He is pushing buttons like crazy, testing limits, refusing to do whatever we ask him to do. Today at naptime I yelled at him when he refused to get in his bed. I had to leave the room for a few minutes to try to compose myself. There were more than a few tears shed even before that point. I'm just tired of feeling like he fights me on EVERYTHING.


Maryam said...

He's turning three for sure. That's pretty much what Lucas is like.

Rhonda said...

Yep, that's our 3yo world, too. *sigh*