Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mad about musicals

I wonder if I have the only 2.5 year old on the planet who walks around belting out

I'm SINGin in the rain
Just SINGin in the RAIN
What a GLORious FEELing
I'm HAPpy aGAIN!

KB is hysterical.

And when you ask him who sings "Singin' in the Rain", he will tell you: Gene Kelly.

When you ask him for the real name of Maria in The Sound of Music, he will tell you: Julie AnDROOS.


His aunt V got him hooked on The Sound of Music when she babysat him in December. We told her and her boyfriend to help themselves to the DVD cabinet. Never mind that I thought they would play with KB until his bedtime and watch movies only *after* he went to sleep.

Anyway, she desperately wanted to watch TSoM and so put it on, despite KB's protestations. But once he started watching, he loved the songs. For a solid month after that, it was the only movie he asked to watch.

It's so funny to hear my little guy singing "These are a few of my favorite things." And "Do-Re-Mi" is one of his standards now; he will sing it for just about anyone at the slightest prompting.

I was randomly singing "We Go Together" from Grease the other night, and KB wanted to hear more of the "Boogity Boogity" song, as he calls it. So we let him watch a couple of numbers from that movie.

Now the trouble is, his favorite seems to be "Greased Lightning". But I'm a little leery of him learning the lyrics

You know that ain't no shit
We'll be gettin' lots of tit
In Greased Lightning

What's a mom of a budding musical fan to do?

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