Monday, December 31, 2007

Operation Declutter

S is on a tear lately.

He desperately, desperately wants the house decluttered. I want it too, but I want sleep more. I am really hoping my second trimester burst of energy kicks in sometime over the next couple of weeks so I can make some progress.

We've already donated an old TV and 3 old computers. We've sold some things on eBay that got rid of 3 big boxes that have been taking up space in the living room. We have a lot more stuff to donate or sell.

Need to go through my closet and sort stuff that can go to Goodwill. Also should pack away clothes that I won't be wearing again until after July.

KB's outgrown toys and clothes are in limbo. So far most (but not all) are in big clear bins. I don't want to give away or sell any clothes until we figure out if we're having a boy or a girl. If we're having another boy, we are SO set.

We have borrowed a train table from a friend and I've asked her if she's ready to have it back. KB has lost interest in it and only plays with the train table at Barnes & Noble or at his cousin's house.

We have some large items to get rid of as well (S's computer desk that he never uses, a huge upholstered chair upstairs, a spinning wheel I bought years ago, and an antique Singer sewing table come immediately to mind).

And of course, I know S would love for me to go through my craft closet and get rid of a bunch of yarn and cross-stitch stuff.

Guess I need to start making lists and prioritizing. Now if only I could find the energy and the motivation to get started.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

HUGS!! I've missed you and just remembered you have a blog. Duh! Sorry.

I've been thinking about you LOTS!! Congrats on making it to 12 weeks!! WOOHOO!!

Hmmmm....declutter....sounds like our house. SO needs decluttering. I remember what you said before Sarah came home about getting projects done. I didn't listen too well. :o/