This is 12 days post-IUI. I'm in shock. I truly did not think we had a very good chance this cycle. Holy shit. I guess it is true what they say: it only takes one.
Oh, and yes, I've got a huge case of the "What the hell have I done"s as well.
I want to go in tomorrow for a beta, but KB's home with me all day and I can't see taking him to the fertility clinic with me. Oh well, I guess I can wait 'til Wednesday.
Awesome! Congrats.
I'm still having a big case of the what the hell have I dones. I actually refused to talk about the fact that I was pregnant for a while.
Anyway, not about me. Congrats again. Here's to an uneventful pregnancy, wonderful birth, and perfect baby.
Anamika just spilled the beans on the phone and I rushed, rushed, rushed over to see if you had posted. I'm so excited for you! Congrats! It worked!!!!
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