Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rip my heart out

I was beginning to think KB was doing fine with S's absence. Since Saturday night, he has barely asked for Daddy or mentioned him at all.

This morning changed my mind about how affected he is.

KB woke up at 5:21, chattering away in his crib. I went into his room, asked him to lie down, covered him with a blanket. I lay down on the floor next to his crib and told him it was still nighttime and we needed to go back to sleep.

At 6:48, he woke up, crying hysterically. I asked him what was wrong, thinking he had a bad dream.

"What'd I do to my Daddy? What'd I do to him, Mommy?"

I reassured him, "You didn't do anything to Daddy, baby, what do you mean?"

His reply ripped my heart in two:

"He doesn't talk to me. He doesn't love me."

I tried to comfort him, to reassure him that Daddy loves him, very much, he's just gone for a little while but he will come back.

I really hope S takes this to heart and stops going on these trips. The older KB gets, the more and more he is going to be affected by S's absence.

For now, I am asking S to call KB every night before bedtime. I don't know what else to do.

1 comment:

Maryam said...

It really is heartbreaking. Lucas just pouted and told me over and over I want Daddy. When Daniel finally did call, I gave the phone to Lucas. He talked for half an hour. Anytime I got near he told me to go away and it was his turn. So sad and so sweet.

The bright side of it all, makes for a really sweet moment when they reunite.