Monday, August 25, 2008

Same old story: no time

- S is on a job interview. I'm glad he's interviewing, but this is for another start-up, and for many reasons, I would rather he get a job at an established company.

- AB is in the bouncy seat but is starting to get fussy (he just ate, so I know he's not hungry).

- KB is at preschool; I'll go get him in a little bit

- We had way too many activities this past weekend. That always screws up KB's nap schedule and AB's eating. He doesn't seem to like feeding outside when it's hot.

- The in-laws have been gone since August 11th, but they return on Wednesday. They went to visit some other relatives in Chicago and Memphis. It has been SO NICE to just be a family of 4. I'm really not looking forward to having them back.

- S is on a tear to declutter and to clean the downstairs. His parents have invited over some of their friends who are visiting the Bay Area from Seattle. S desperately wants to make a good impression on his parents' friends because of how much that would please his parents. Huh?? I would like to devote an entire post to how I feel about this. I know it's a cultural difference but the whole situation is beyond my comprehension.

OK, AB won't give me any more time. Can you believe he will be 2 months old on Wednesday?!?!

1 comment:

Maryam said...

Not that this has much to do with your entry, just thinking about AB's refusal to sleep. Do you have a sling? One of the best things I ever got was a sling (thank you Caitlin). Max was the most content baby in it, and he still is but he's reached the age where he wants to explore. Nothing can knock him out faster than slinging him.