Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My big boy

I've been home from SLC since March 31. It was a very quick (but VERY enjoyable) trip, and I wish I could have stayed longer. Well, I wish I had made an annual pilgrimage to the Family History Library in SLC before I had kids. Who knows when I'll get to go again...

KB was very cute when he & S picked me up from the airport. He gave me a huge, lingering hug and kept patting my shoulder telling me, "Thank you for coming back from Salt Lake City, Mommy! I'm so happy!"

The next morning, he woke up, put his hands on my face and told me again, "Thank you so much for coming back, Mommy!" I got a huge lump in my throat as I told him, "I'll ALWAYS come back, baby."

Somehow, potty training really clicked while I was away. Even before I left, KB had been really good about keeping his pull-ups dry throughout the day and had begun to accidentally poop in the potty sometimes when he was peeing.

While I was gone, though, he seemed to really get it. He actually started telling S when he needed to pee and poop in the potty.

The morning of April 2, as we were getting him ready for school, he announced, "I want to wear underwear." So we grabbed a pair of his dinosaur undies and let him wear them to school. We reminded him that he had to tell the teachers EVERY SINGLE TIME he needed to pee or to poop.

And he's done great so far! He's had one pee accident, when he got distracted by story time and forgot to tell someone he needed to go. And he's had one poop accident, when he didn't quite make it to the potty in time. But that's it!

He's even started staying drier at night. He told us this morning that he wants to wear underwear at night too, instead of diapers. We told him that if he keeps waking up dry in the mornings, we'll make the switch.

We've also transitioned his crib to the toddler bed. We initially took off the front of the crib and left it open, in "day bed" mode. But KB was feeling really insecure like that, and afraid he would fall off the bed. Interestingly, the big fear he expressed the first night was that monsters would be able to get him now that the side was gone from the crib.

The bed transition hasn't gone nearly as well as the potty training, I'm afraid. We went ahead and got a guard rail because KB was insistent that he needed "a side" on his bed.

We have two big issues now: 1) He doesn't want to stay in bed when we put him down for naptime or bedtime and 2) His nightwakings have gotten even worse than they were before. The night before last (my turn to be 'on'), he was up 5 times between 3:30 and 4:30. Oy.

Last night was S's turn to do night duty. He just brought KB into our bed at 4:30, and we all slept until 7:40. Glorious.

But it pisses me off that S is the one who wants KB to sleep in his crib all night, AND YET, he is the one who ends up taking the lazy route and bringing him into our bed.

Anyway. We probably should not have made the transition to a bed at the same time we made the transition to underwear. A little too much change all at once for KB's comfort level, I think.

Mostly, I just can't believe my baby is not a baby anymore. He's getting to be a big boy.


Maryam said...

Think he would do better in his bed if it were in your room? Maybe he needs that to actually start sleeping better at night.

Lucas has been regressing on the sleep thing lately. I'm just so happy that Max has been a good sleeper since day one. So there's hope for you, too.

Rhonda said...

So sweet!!

PT clicked with SL on #1, but she doesn't really tell anyone yet. *sigh* #2 is another story.

Sounds like too much change. What if you put the mattress on the floor?