Wednesday, March 26, 2008

25 weeks!

How have I already made it to 25 weeks? This pregnancy really is flying by, which makes me sad.

Now that we know we're having another boy, people are already starting to ask if we're going to try once more for a girl. Oy! Let me have this one and see how crazy my life gets first. But I don't think I'll ever be able to talk S into it.

Had my 25 week appointment this morning. First time this pregnancy with the tape measure on the belly. Pronounced "perfect". Heartbeat great, blood pressure awesome, weight was not mentioned but I know I gained 3-4 pounds since my appointment at 21 weeks. Total weight gain is right around 16 or 17 pounds, so I think I'm doing OK.

Got my sugary glucose drink for my GTT, and need to do that sometime next week.

Will get my RhoGam shot at my 28 week appointment.

Funny aside: there is a new gal in the receptionist area, and she was the one scheduling my next appointment. She asked what the appointment was for and I replied "My regular pre-natal appointment, plus a RhoGam shot." She started typing and said, "OK, so you're getting your Rogaine shot..."

I really wanted to laugh. I'm guessing she hasn't worked in many (any?) ob-gyn's offices before.

At my next appointment, we'll also talk about c-section dates. Interestingly, my c-section will still be considered "elective" even though Dr. G told me that there is no chance I will be allowed to try for a VBAC. Given the "elective" nature of the surgery, it is possible that our c-section will get bumped in favor of another labor and delivery.

Did I already mention that we're going to ask for July 1st as the delivery date? If we get bumped, then I guess we'll just try the next day, or the next. I am sure Dr. G will not schedule anything for July 4th, and I really want to be home by KB's birthday on July 7th.

We've signed KB up for a sibling class at the hospital where we're delivering. They have the sibling class once a month, so we opted for the June 28th class. I'm excited about the class. I don't think he'll fully understand what's about to hit the fan until the baby actually gets home, but I think the class will be good for us to do together.

More later. At work and feeling paranoid that someone's going to appear at my cube any moment...


Maryam said...

Why won't they let you try for a VBAC?

The second one does go quickly when you're busy chasing the first. Are you getting people who seem to pity you because of having another boy? I got that a lot.

Melissa J said...

The doctor said I have an anterior placenta this time, which increases the risk of uterine rupture if I go for a VBAC.

Also, the first words out of her mouth when she cut me open during KB's c-section were, and I quote:

"Oh! That baby would have never fit through THERE."

He was only 7.5 pounds, not a huge baby by any means. So I'm not sure why my pelvis wouldn't cooperate.

Rhonda said...

I'm sorry you won't get a VBAC. I hope that you get your c/s date instead though.

I can't believe you are over half way there already. I can't wait to meet your new little guy.

It's sad that people have pity for those with the same gender. Not to mention it's really not of their business. However, you blog so I won't get on my soap box about that.

HUGS! Glad all is going well.