Thursday, November 1, 2007

hCG numbers

Went to the fertility clinic this morning for my blood draw. The nurse called me back in less than 3 hours.

My hCG level at 15dpiui is 477. (For comparison, my number with KB at the same stage was 408.)

Normally, they'd test again after 48 hours to make sure the number doubles, but the nurse told me to wait until Monday.

Not sure why; the clinic is open weekends since not everyone ovulates or starts a period Monday through Friday.

Anyway, by Monday afternoon I should have a better idea of where this might possibly be going.

Oh, here's something laughable: I was advised to take it easy, avoid straining or lifting, etc. I asked what I was supposed to do with my 32 pound toddler who still likes to be carried when it suits his fancy. The nurse replied "Try to distract him with something else when he asks you to carry him."

Riiiiiiiight. Because that always works.


pithydithy said...

Okay, I know that I'm not supposed to read much into a single HCG number but, damn girl, that's high! Woo hoo!

Maryam said...

I continued to lift Lucas until I couldn't do it easily anymore. A lot of times I have him climb up on a chair or something like that and I'd be able to hold him without straining.

Also started talking about baby in Mommy's belly and how I can't do things I used to. A lot of times that appeases him. He's gotten quite attached to the baby and knows that this is something significant in our lives.